Can Tooth Extraction Cause Pain?

Answer: There is likely to be some degree of discomfort caused by a tooth distraction.

Often a tooth extraction is a necessary treatment, whether its to relieve a crowded mouth, or remove wisdom teeth. While the extraction of teeth has not been shown to directly cause head pain, there are some related factors that may result in head pain, such as:

  • Surgery Recovery
  • Jaw Pain
  • Stress

Surgery Recovery

As with any surgery, even minor ones such as tooth extraction, there will be some degree of damage and discomfort. This pain could be caused by soft tissue damage within your mouth, as a result of being cut during tooth extraction. This pain is often localized pain, but may become a headache or migraine.

Jaw Pain

With any dental treatment, especially tooth extraction, the jaw is forced to open wide and held there for an extended period of time. This creates stress on the muscles, or even muscle tearing. Jaw Pain is a primary candidate for causing migraines and other head pain, and tooth extraction could lead to this.

Stress and Anxiety

Finally, the stress of having a tooth extracted may cause anxiety which leads to grinding and clenching of teeth. Other pain from after the procedure could further exacerbate this, leading to further head pain.

Head Pain Treatment

If you are suffering from head pain after a tooth extraction, you should seek out head pain treatment from a head pain specialist in Surrey. If the pain is located where the tooth used to reside, there may be other issues such as infection and it is important to get checked out. If you have other head pain, there may be treatments and remedies available to help you with this, and get you back on your feet.