For those experiencing whiplash trauma, there is a high chance that whiplash will induce TMJ symptoms. Many people are not aware of what whiplash induced TMJ, and the need for a neck pain specialist to help with managing symptoms.

What is TMJ Pain?

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint in which the jaw connects to the rest of the skull. This is a complicated joint, especially when considering the number of different movements it is capable of moving, and the fine muscles it needs to accomplish this. When these muscles, or the surrounding ligaments, discs or bones are damaged, such as in the event of whiplash, the result can be a painful TMJ syndrome.

TMJ syndrome can carry many painful symptoms with it, including head and neck pain, ear pain, headaches and migraines, and even difficulty chewing, and speaking. When people experience whiplash, they may not realize that head or neck pain is the result of TMJ damage, and this is where whiplash treatment by a neck pain specialist is needed.

Neck Pain Specialist

A neck pain specialist, such as those at BC Headpain, is able to properly assess your pain and determine if it is caused by whiplash induced TMJ. With a proper diagnosis, a thorough treatment plan can be recommended, and steps towards healing and ridding yourself of chronic pain can be realized.

If you have suffered from whiplash, and continue to have symptoms in line with TMJ syndrome, make sure to contact BC Headpain today.